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This is a Fenris-based adaptation of the Andy Samberg/SNL Digital Short "I Threw It On the Ground" which can be found here: http://youtu.be/cAcxHQalWOw

I was originally going to do the rap myself, but I think AT&T Lab's US Mike does a nicer job wink

Also available as a flash .swf on deviantArt: http://fav.me/d3hwxg7

full lyrics:

I was chillin' out in my mansion
And I find in the cellar a vintage bottle of Agreggio Pavali
"Pour this for the guests"
Man, I'm not gonna pour your wine
I threw it on the ground
You must think I'm a joke
I ain't gonna be a slave to the mages
Man! Drink that vintage in another mage's house
At the elven alienage with my so-called boyfriend
He finds a book in a sack
Says it's my life
Man, this ain't my life
This is a plot quest
I threw it on the ground
What you think I'm stupid
I'm not a slave to the mages
I'm an elf not a book
Then Hawke hands me a Tevinter sword of mercy
What you want me to do with this? Magic?
Mercy to the ground
I threw the sword Hawke equipped too
Don't ask me about Tevinter, jackass
So many things to throw on the ground
Like this, and this, and that, and even this
I'm an ADULT
Hadrianna tries to tell me where my sister lives
Nobody wants to hear your lies, witch
Then that night I go to Hawke's house
Turned out my romance was active
And I did him in the butthole
He fell to the ground
And I didn't let up
Doin' him in the butthole
Over and over
And then after the fade to black
Something red's tied to my wrist
The moral of the story is,
You can't trust the mages!

Длительность: 00:02:09

1 | Язык: Русский | Автор: payroo | Inku

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